martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Hoy Martes

Hoy, martes 25 de noviembre, en PBS a las 9 PM, van a pasar en Frontline un documental sobre Chávez. Frontline - The Hugo Chavez Show Tuesday, November 25, 9:00pm - CHANNEL 13 (WNET) Visit the Web site - A profile of controversial Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez that features footage from his weekly "Aló Presidente" TV show, which he uses to speak directly to the people, and insights from author Alberto Barrera ("Hugo Chavez").

COMING SOON The Hugo Chávez Show Nov. 25, 2008 (Check local listings) - Through the lens of his unique weekly program "Aló Presidente," FRONTLINE looks at Venezuela's controversial and outspoken president Hugo Chávez and the revolution he claims is turning his country into an anti-capitalist beacon.

http://www.pbs. org/wgbh/ pages/frontline/ hugochavez/

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