miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Over 30 associations join the campaign "Judge Chávez"

El Universal - More than 30 associations have endorsed so far the campaign "Judge Chávez," to make known a request by some organizations at The Hague International Criminal Court to investigate into Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez for his alleged ties with the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC).William Cárdenas, an attorney with the Plataforma de Venezolanos en Madrid (Venezuelan Platform in Madrid), one of the petitioners, thinks that there are enough grounds to delve into the case, particularly after the information found in the laptops of guerrilla leader Raúl Reyes, who was killed last March 1st, during a raid of the Colombian military in Ecuador, reported AP."The FARC has committed crimes of lese humanity, such as kidnappings or murders. We think that, as suggested by Reyes' computers, the fact that Chávez presumably sponsored and funded the guerrillas is most serious," said Cárdenas.Due to the alleged relationship between the Venezuelan president and the FARC, according to the Colombian government, Cárdenas and his organization took the case to The Hague."It is a complex, long proceeding, but we are confident," he said.

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