sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Oil and America in danger

OIL AND AMERICA IN DANGER - by Pedro Martori - If the people of the USA wish to vote for auto destruction, they just have one little thing to do. Well , I meant those who would vote for a couple of people that have been most of their entire lives devoted to destill their hate for the white America which has been the majority. If those people are so meaning as to vote for the auto destruction of their own nation, they should vote Obama and Michelle into the White House. A couple that not long ago shared the same feelings confessed by the very same Michelle Obama , that now is for the first time in her life : proud to be an american. The same couple of people that never said a word against any of the furious , rabid rants of their own pastor MR. WRIGHT. Who should be named rather Mr. Wrong . AMERICA does not need the type and kind of change that these people --demagoguely -- are chanting in the ears of the majority of americans in the lower levels of that society. YET, America does need certainly some very specific changes that would bring the nation to a more fair and happier life for all. The auto destruction of America would come when an inept as Obama get his way to the White House. But rather than the lack of the capacity for the job is the underlying wish to make an America that would fit their own vision of things and of that society , that in the national level. In the international level, the Obamas become more than proud americans fifth column allies of the ennemy, they want a weak, a complaisant America, and of course , these people would "negociate" with ennemies that otherwise would rather wipe America from the map on this planet. Such as dealing with the Mafia is a futile exercise in any discussion or negociations , this agenda in negociations with fanatics and people who hate America is exactly the same type of exercise in futility. The present day ennemies of America are no jokes. Maybe Mr. Obama believe so. The present day war and actions are taking a toll on America finances. This war against terrorism and the extremists is very costly , not only in lives but also in resources, money. They are using America, waisting its resources while the rest of most nations do not put a single cent, a single man into the combat against those who are their own ennemies too. We do not see much coming from the europeans, except some nations as Germany, Poland, Rumania, Czech Republic, Spain and Japan. We do not see Mexico, Brazil, or China in this coalition against the extremists that are also their ennemies and would sooner or later strike on them. The hypothetical weakening of America , would allow other big power to take advantages and get ahead in the Military, Economic and Political fields of action. Remember the collapse of the ex-Soviet Union. It was an implosion, an auto destructive process, enhanced and accelarated by the high over expending and waste of resources in the military and the last two wars in which the soviets participated : VIET NAM and AFGANISTAN. But the self destructing process that would be going on by being nice, neutral, or even absent on this new theater of war, a war that is not like any of the old ones, would bring the world to-- a never supected till now --a new aligment of forces, a new correlation of forces and powers. The Economic situation , is another point of reference to be taken into account when assessing the present electoral campaign and its eventful outcome. The flamming and hikes in the price of Oil is a dangerous situation. The speculation of such an important, more than important vital product could , and is already producing a chain of reactions around the world. The hikes are ridiculous, if we consider that a barrel of oil is more expensive than a bushel of WHEAT. Of course here we enter in a vicious circle. A catch Twety Two ( 22 ) All over we see the fears, the protest and even the actions. Fishermen in Europe, truckers in America and everywhere, farmers, cattle raisers in Argentine etc. all are under the siege of the new hikes and speculative raise of the oil price. If already there are nations starving,and others under dare and true famines while millions are under the threat of dying by starvation ,we must concede that the situation is dangerous for the entire world and take action now, right away. For in Latin America, in Africa and some nations in Asia, have no OIL , and the do not have the means to pay for the present prices of a barrel of oil. The consequences to this are not difficult ot see or predict. Hundreds of millions of humans without the means to feed themselves. A new and massive wave of refugees moving from one continent to the others.Violence, wars sparking over resources, food, and water , even for what ever oil the can get. A war due to the oil speculation could lead to a world wide war. By now, the new strategy of the russians is based on their oil and gas production and the huge oil fields deposits they have,which they would use as a weapon for politcal gains and recover some of the lost hegemogeny and influence in Eastern Europe and the rest of the world. All governments should take action right away. The measures to take should be the setting up of controlling agencies in each nation for the prices of oil . Such as they exist in Europe, Canada Australia, Argentine for the CEREALS they export and sell domestically. The Cereals prices in Canada and other producer nations are regulated, the Canadian Wheat Board, Cereals Board, Dairy Products Boards they are agencies set up by the canadian government to regulate, control the PRICES and THUS protect consumers but also help and protect the producers. Something like this must be put into place to control the Oil companies, and in what ever possible measure the cartels.

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