sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

An Apology to the United States from VENEZUELANS

By: Don O'Nesky - I received the following letter from our friend and guest columnist Don O'Nesky. I pass in on to all Americans Apology to the United States: As Venezuelans, we wish to express to the citizens of the United States our horror and anger in hearing Hugo Chavez, the president of our country of birth, Venezuela, address the American people in a tone of voice, rhetoric, and choice of words that are vile and unacceptable coming from any leader, from any country. We felt shame and disgust. Chavez has consistently made the same mistakes, over and over, and does not accept any opposition. He uses derogatory language to inflame the crowds he addresses. He demonstrates a lack of respect towards the educated people with good manners who, hoping for positive change, voted him into power. The words he uses when addressing diplomats and world leaders has shocked and embarrassed most Venezuelans. The fact that he is confrontational and unwilling to deal diplomatically with the free world, in addition to his friendship with countries and military groups that are spreading terrorism throughout the world, makes him a factor of imminent danger to all. As Venezuelan citizens, we would like the American people to know that Chavez's opinions and behavior do not reflect the feelings of most Venezuelans, who have always admired and respected the United States . Americans should understand that Hugo Chavez runs an authoritarian regime and is attempting to impose the communist ideas of his friend/thug Castro, disguised as democratic principles. In the upcoming November elections he has prevented many opposition candidates from appearing on the ballot. He has brought frivolous and unsupported lawsuits against potential candidates. He is making a mockery of free democratic elections in a country that strongly opposes dictatorship. We would like the citizens of the United States , as well as its government and elected officials to know that Hugo Chavez does not represent all Venezuelans, and wish to apologize for his insults, which only reveal a confused and frustrated state of mind.Endorsed by the Venezuelan Organizations in the USA.
TODOS POR VENEZUELA RECIVEX - Civil Resistance of Venezuelans Overseas

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